The Heart of Listening

During this period of distancing, our students and alumni have formed a book club. They're meeting once a week online to discuss "The Heart of Listening" by Hugh Milne — one of the great books on craniosacral therapy. Here are some excerpts from a page titled "Motifs" near the beginning of book about how to approach this unique and sacred work. These words of guidance feel resonant for all of us in these days:

" • Learn to sit still, to wait until your dust has settled, and your air has become clear. Wait for deep stillness. Then, start.

• Above all, go slowly.

• Develop intuitive perception and understanding about everything. Pay attention to everything, especially the little things. Changing the little things often brings about the largest improvements.

• Presence is much more important than technique. Beginners want to learn more and more techniques. When you achieve mastery, one technique will do.

• It is amazing how much how little will do.

• Ask for spiritual help after you have done your best. When you don't know what to do, ask for a cup of tea.

• Meditate, live purely, be quiet, and do your work with mastery.

• Do your work, then stand back."

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Leigh Ankrum